Golden Hour

by Lala J. Thorpe             Jam digital di meja kamar hotel sudah menunjukkan pukul 15.00. Cahaya matahari sore merebak masuk melalui tirai transparan dari ufuk barat. Rin menggeliat malas terbangun dari tidur siangnya selama dua jam setengah itu. Kelelahan menimpanya setelah semalam berjalan-jalan jauh mengelilingi distrik-distrik Tokyo yang tak pernah tidur. Besok adalah live theContinue reading "Golden Hour"

A small recap of monthly distress

Talking about self-acceptance, what can we take from this phrase? I keep talking to myself about how I should try to accept myself whatever it takes, whatever my body experiences. In the ol' days, I wasn't quite capable of perceiving the beauty in me, whilst some individuals worship my height, my hair, yet those wereContinue reading "A small recap of monthly distress"


Lala J. Thorpe It was three o’clock in the afternoon, and Takashima Uruha, a young psychiatrist who just jumped out from his silver-grey Land Rover was approached by a female intern nametag ‘Sato’. “Takashima-sensei, you’re expected by Tamura-sensei in his office within half an hour.” “Me?” She nodded. “He is about to finish the forensicContinue reading "SUBDUED DISMAY"

Just One Yesterday (Part 1)

Lala J. Thorpe Ding dong! “Hai haaaiii! Who the hell woke up at bloody dawn?” A twenty-six-year-old young lady with messy fringe reluctantly dragged her feet from the bone-white futon to head to the door. Two empty mugs which filled with americano stood at the top of kotatsu beside her mac where she’d been workingContinue reading "Just One Yesterday (Part 1)"

Warm Winter (Translated)

“Argh…tidak bisa,” gerutu Uruha sambil melepaskan selempang gitar dan meletakkannya di atas stand.  Sejak latihan dimulai tadi dia merasa mudah dongkol namun tak tahu kenapa. Pemuda itu hampir keluar dari studio ketika Reita berteriak kepadanya. “Oi, doko iku no?”             “Menjernihkan kepala!” Sang gitaris berjalan menyusuri trotoar di distrik kecil ini yang diselimuti oleh saljuContinue reading "Warm Winter (Translated)"